Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Oils and Medium....

I'm often asked what oil paints I prefer to use by some of my students and I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm still using Gamblin.  I think once you trust a product, you really try to stick with it.  I still use Liquin a lot in the field.  The regular "Original Liquin".  I also like using my own mixture of Gamblin linseed oil and Gamsol for an oil painting medium in the studio.  50/50 ratio. 
Now this little painting was done on stretched canvas, but when I paint outside in smaller formats, I prefer to paint on board.  Mostly because my pochade box moves a bit on my tripod and so does the canvas.  Board is much stiffer and gives me more control outside. 
For this or other little paintings I have up for auction on ebay this week, just click on the link at the above right. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My website has launched!

I'm going to consider it a work in progress for a while, but feel free to stop by and check it out. 

Here's my setup onsite in Florida.  I'm happy to be back here in Kentucky, but I do miss all the water and foliage in Florida.  In a few weeks, spring here in Ky will take care of that though. 
For the other little paintings I have up for auction this week, just click on the link at the above right.