Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My hands are finally warm!!!

Florida is so lovely! It's not as warm as usual here, but they tell me tomorrow the temps will be back to normal (high 70's). Wehoo!

It's an understatement that most of my money is spent on art supplies. I had one small suitcase and my laptops. The rest of the car & trunk were packed to the gills with art supplies. It was really more than I would normally need, but I have a still life painting class I'm taking next semester and have no idea what I'll I brought it all!!! Plus, I'm scheduled to teach some painting classes while I'm here. So you can imagine the supplies I needed for that as well. Packing the car was like putting together a complicated puzzle, but my guy did it! It is clear to me now why my wardrobe is lacking....I spend most of my money on oil paint, easels, paper, canvas, charcoal.....oh and the books/'s terrible!!! (And typical for me.) It just feels like home if I have my paints & brushes with me.

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
"September Sky"
5 x 7 inches, oil on canvas board
Currently available for sale on ebay

Monday, December 20, 2010

Looking forward to Florida....

I can't wait to get my toes in warm sand. That being said, I am so behind as far as getting ready to go!! I love talking about going south for a while, but hate packing for it. I'll no doubt come home with some new paintings started, tons of photo refs for future work, and another semester under my belt. I'm getting fired up just talking about it....not enough to start packing though!! Ha!

For this or other paintings I have for sale on Ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Red Marsh Grass
4 x 4 inches, Oil on canvas board
Available for sale on ebay after 10/21/2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Staying warm inside...

Oh...the weather outside is frightful...but my furnace is so delightful..... Ok, corny, but right now I'm loving being inside. The high temp today will be 29 degrees, with a "wintery mix". Translation, sleet, snow, very cold....stay inside! The good news is I'm getting some painting done today. Most of my time will be to finish a commission I have due before Christmas, and I like being ahead of schedule. Stay warm everyone!!!

For paintings available for sale on Ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Shady Stream
4 x 6 inches
Oil on canvas board
Available for sale on Ebay after 12/18/2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Early Snow

It is snowing like crazy here. We knew it was coming, but it still seems a little early for us to have such low temps and this much snow. We've been about 30 degrees below normal here in Northern Ky. You would think it would inspire me to do some house cleaning/organizing etc. since I'm stuck inside. No such luck. Instead, I've been working on some larger works....beach scenes. I guess that's my way of dreaming of warmer weather!

For this or other paintings I have for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Early Mountain Snow
5 x 7 inches, Oil on canvas board
Available for sale on ebay after 12/14/2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paying it Forward

I rarely give paintings away as gifts. Mainly because not everyone gets the thrill out of getting something handmade or original like I do. I think I'm going to give one of my paintings to an Aunt of mine though. When I was young, she always encouraged me to be creative and explore that side of me. I remember one year when I was into photography, she had me photograph all of the porcelain dolls she had made. Now, she could have done that herself, but she insisted on paying me to do it. I spent several hours putting my heart and soul into photographing those dolls in the most creative way I knew how. The photos were terrible, but you wouldn't have known that by my Aunt's reaction. She made over them as if a pro had done the work. It gave me confidence and was probably a stepping stone for me becoming an artist today. I try to encourage others, especially young people as much as possible. It's sort of a way to pay it forward from the wonderful people in my life who encouraged me.

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
First Fall Colors
5 x 7 inches, Oil on board
Available for sale on ebay after 12/9/2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Shakespeare's Sonnet...

I'm never sure what I'm going to write about here each time I make an entry. Earlier, my artist group EBSQ was asking for our opinions for 2011 shows. One of my suggestions was Shakespeare's Sonnets. So...thought I would share one of my favorites:

Sonnet Number 91
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their body's force,
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill,
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humor hath his adjunct pleasure, wherein it finds a joy above the rest.
But these particulars are not my measure,
But these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast;
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take all this away, and me most wretched make.

For this or other paintings I have for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Gulf Waters
5 x 7 inches, Oil on canvas board
Available for sale on ebay after 12/7/2010