Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Changing your mind....

One thing I've really allowed myself to do more this year is to change my mind in my work.  By that I mean, sometimes I'll start a painting...get pretty far and realize it's not working.  I used to try to force it, re-work it, cry & pray over it....well....no more.  Now don't get me wrong, I still cry, re-work, and re-do.  :-)  However, once I decide, it's not working, I put it away for a while.  If when I get it back out, I'm not re-energized to work on it, I let it go.  Just had one the other day.  Some foliage from one of my rambles about the farm.  36 x 36 inch canvas and  I just painted over it.  I'm doing more of this because I felt like I was wasting time on paintings, that weren't   "working" so to speak. 
I've ordered stretchers for the Hollyhock from my last post and can't wait to dive in on that one.  I've got a couple more large ones started as well.  I'll share them later.  

For this or other little paintings that I have up for auction on ebay, just click on the link at the above right. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hollyhock painting started....

As I mentioned last post, I planned on doing a hollyhock painting....here's the block in.  When I start a block in from a photo, I tend to stick pretty close to the photo.  Once I have the block in...I start taking my "artistic liberties" as I call them.  As you can see from the foliage, I'll be doing that with some of the leaves, but I LOVE the big leaf on the left, so it will be staying.  Not sure about the cloud positions and the foliage on the right yet.  Stay tuned!!!  

For my little ebay paintings, including the little painting below, just click on the link at the above right.