Friday, July 29, 2011

What's with the heat?.....

We're just about to beat the record for over 90 degree days here in Northern KY. I can't stand being outside in this and have been doing most of my painting in the studio. Basically, we get up early and walk about 5 miles, I run errands, then the bulk of my day is inside. What did people do in the old days before air conditioning! I have been re-evaluating my plein air easel. Mine's a big old heavy clunky french style. I'm dumping that for a Guerrilla thumb box or something small like it. The thumb box may be a bit too small for me I think, but I'm definitely downsizing. I learned that in this hot weather. I hope your weather is behaving better than ours!!!

This little 5 x 7 inch oil painting is currently available for sale on ebay by selecting the link at the above right.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Helping hands....

This week, a few of us friends from church are going to help one of the local widows with some yardwork. I think it's so important to volunteer or help out a neighbor, our seniors, even our kids. Do I like yard way. Will it be hard, absolutely. Will I do this work with joy in my bet. I hope if I'm ever in need someone will step up and help me out, even if they have nothing to gain. Not only does it benefit the person you're helping out, it sets a good example for the young people coming up after us. I hope all of you have had a chance to get the blessings of volunteer work!

This little 4 x 6 oil painting is currently available for sale on ebay, by clicking the link at the above right.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Clouds this year....

You may have noticed that I've got several cloud paintings this year. I just LOVE painting clouds and the late spring, early summer paintings have a ton of them. If I could only choose one thing to paint, I think I would choose early morning, or evening clouds. You never know what you're going to get and I'm never disappointed.

This little 4 x 6 inch oil painting is available for sale this week on ebay, by clicking the link at the above right.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Fair....

We had our local county fair this week and we had beautiful weather! I entered a painting and got a blue ribbon (wehoo!) and got to watch some trucks play tug of war, some horses show off, and hang with my guy. Fun time! Plus I've been painting like crazy! I hope all of you are having a great week!

This little 4 x 6 inch oil painting is available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It still amazes me how much time I have to spend on the computer. Today, I got changed into my "painting clothes" (clothes I've already ruined with paint) expecting to get to work after I got done on the computer. Well...I've been on here all day and haven't touched a paint brush. Granted, I had to spend quite a bit of time working on some photos that have to be sent away for a scholarship I'm applying for, but some days it seems like I have to force myself to stay off this thing. My computer is a valuable tool, but I'm looking forward to diving into more painting tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice if all I had to do was just paint.......(sigh). Oh well, back to reality!

This little 5 x 7 inch oil painting of an Ohio Valley overlook is currently available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right. As always, all of my ebay paintings start at just $0.99! I'd better get off the computer and get to work!!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


This is my two year old horse Storm. He was born here on our farm was a bit of a surprise. We purchased some broke female horses from a very nice gentleman up in Ohio. He neglected to mention that one of them was pregnant. The first time we came across our little surprise in the field, one of those quickie thunderstorms we get around here blew in. I've called him Storm ever since. He got a saddle put on his back for the first time this week and did famously well! I think he's just gorgeous, but I'm a bit biased!

This little 4 x 4 inch oil painting will be available for sale on ebay after 7/10/2011 by clicking on the link at the above right. All of the paintings I sell on ebay start out at $0.99...crazy I know! I call them my little gems!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!!!!

Well, I got another "fifteen minutes of fame" this weekend. That weird looking lady in the western hat is me in our local parade. It was super hot on Saturday, but lots of fun. I'm on the float with my nieces and other relatives passing out candy. I hope each of you had a great 4th of July!!

This little 4 x 6 inch painting I call "Overlook" will be available for sale on ebay after July 5th. To view it and other paintings I have for sale, just click on the link at the above right.