Monday, July 25, 2011

Helping hands....

This week, a few of us friends from church are going to help one of the local widows with some yardwork. I think it's so important to volunteer or help out a neighbor, our seniors, even our kids. Do I like yard way. Will it be hard, absolutely. Will I do this work with joy in my bet. I hope if I'm ever in need someone will step up and help me out, even if they have nothing to gain. Not only does it benefit the person you're helping out, it sets a good example for the young people coming up after us. I hope all of you have had a chance to get the blessings of volunteer work!

This little 4 x 6 oil painting is currently available for sale on ebay, by clicking the link at the above right.


  1. It is always important to help others without asking and to get help when needed. You will do great with the yardwork - your heart in on the right place.
    I just love your little landscape paintings - so colourful and you create wonderful atmosphere.

  2. On gagne beaucoup en aidant les autres...
    Il y a beaucoup de profondeur dans cette dernière peinture... je ressens un sentiment de liberté en l'admirant.
    gros bisous.

  3. I agree in the importance of using our time and talents whenever you can.
    I did not also answer your ? I do not currently have puchasing set up on my site

  4. Thanks all three of you! Scott, I was just wondering if I might see some of your work around the galleries where we winter in Naples. Thanks for letting me know!
