Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Fair....

We had our local county fair this week and we had beautiful weather! I entered a painting and got a blue ribbon (wehoo!) and got to watch some trucks play tug of war, some horses show off, and hang with my guy. Fun time! Plus I've been painting like crazy! I hope all of you are having a great week!

This little 4 x 6 inch oil painting is available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right.


  1. Une peinture sereine... je vous félicite pour l'obtention de votre "ruban bleu"...
    Gros bisous.

  2. wonderful painting! Very beautiful and the place lokks fantastic!

  3. Thank you both! Martine, anytime I can get away from civilization, it's serene to me!

  4. Congratulations on your blue ribbon...very cool!! Fairs are always so much fun...I just don't get to go as often these days. Sounds like you had lots of fun!
