Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm baaaaccckk...!!!

So, do you think there will be a Grand Canyon painting in my future!!???  I wish I had the time and money to stay onsite and paint right there.  The colors there are just amazing.  We hiked down to the Colorado river, then the next day back up.  7 miles down, 10 miles up.  The trails were beautiful even though at times we ran into some rain. 

For this or other little paintings I have up for auction ebay, just click on the link at the above right.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Summer's end....

I don't know where the time has gone this year.  What a busy and fun summer!  We're prepping to do some more traveling out west and I can't wait!  I've got a very large painting of the Rocky Mountains in the works, but no photos yet.  Here's a few updates on a couple of paintings I've been working on.  The first is a work in progress of one of our horses that is no longer with us.  I don't have many photos of him and the one I have is not very good.  I'm enjoying the painting though.  I've also included an update of the Hollyhock painting as well.  I'm farther along now and need to take an updated photo. 

I've got a lot more work to do on him, but he's blocked in.  My camera did some adjusting after I darkened the background.  Also, below is another shot of the Hollyhock.  I've been doing more work on the leaves and I've made a few changes.  I'll try to post them next time. 

For the below painting...or other little paintings I have up for auction on ebay this week, just click the link at the above right.