Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My guy is such a trooper...

Here's a work in progress of my guy's big strong back.  I'm working on more figure paintings this year.  I swear if you can draw the human anatomy, you can draw anything!!!!

For landscape paintings that I have up for auction on ebay this week, just click on the link at the above right. 


  1. It's coming along! BTW-He does have a strong back. Woot Woot! ☺

  2. LOL! I'll pass on your compliment! He'll love it!

  3. Beautiful work so far! What a great model!

  4. I agree! Figurative painting is the most challenging for me but you're doing great, Kimberly!

    I appreciate your comment on my hip bag and was interested in proposing something to you. Can you please contact me at Thanks!

  5. Wonderful job!! Figurative painting is the hardest, but a wonderful way to learn more and stretch yourself as an artist. I am trying to do the same thing. I don't think my husband would do this for me. That is a very nice back to study! :)

  6. Je découvre avec un immense plaisir l'évolution de votre travail... Un dessin irréprochable et j'aime les nuances de couleurs du travail de la peau. EXCELLENT TRAVAIL...
    J'ai hâte de voir la suite.
    (parfois je suis à droite et à gauche et pas toujours présente sur les blog, pardon !)
    Gros bisous

  7. What a trooper!!! and an excellent back!! You did an amazing job with this, Kimberly!! Very impressive..and not easy to do. My art group would love to have him model!!!
