Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Places I love to paint....

We just got back today from Eagle lakes and I can't wait to do some paintings from the area.  It's one of my favorite bird watching spots and it did not disappoint today either.  In addition to the birds, the wetlands have such an array of greens and blues I wish I could just go there everyday and paint, paint, paint.  We all have our favorite subjects and plein air sites I guess.  I'm so inspired right now!!!
**I guess blogger got the photo issue I'm baaaaccckkk!!!! *** 
For this or other little paintings I have up for auction on ebay, just click on the link at the above right. 


  1. I'm so happy you're back...and with a beautiful painting to start off the year always, I love the sky!!

  2. Just lovely...mmm...Florida...sounds very nice! It's been a long time since I was there!!
