Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back in the swing....

Well...the new semester has started for me and I'm back in the swing of things. (Or at least I'm fooling myself into thinking I am!!) I've just started my first painting for still life, and so far so good in my design class with my homework there too. This little Hull Vase painting is from some homework from last year. I don't know why I like putting antiques in still lifes, but I do. This vase isn't worth a tremendous amount of money, but I like it because it's old. I always wonder what the previous owners did with it. Was it for flowers, for sitting on a shelf, or maybe a gift? There's something cool about finding these little treasures with a bit of history in them. I expect to have a lot of my favorite antiques in my studio work this year.

The little plein air landscape from Bracken County Ky is currently available (along with others) for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right.


  1. Kimberly, this vase painting is beautiful! You really captured the delicate quality and colors. I also like antique vases and dishes. Beautiful plein air painting, too!

  2. Love your vase. I have only seen landscapes from you and I'm lovin' your still life! More please.

  3. Your landscapes are very good and this little vase is beautifully done! I like these types of props too and also wonder about the history of old things .

  4. Love your vase, it's such fun to find these treasures and just as much to paint them! Lovely job!

  5. This vase is wonderful, Kimberly. I love antiques as well..they're interesting and unique to paint..some with stories behind them.! They are definitely treasures and you did a beautiful job with this one. I hope to see more still life paintings from you.

  6. Thank you both!!! I don't usually post much of my still life work here. I may try to more often.

  7. Good idea, Kimberly, because this one is beautiful!

  8. Wow! this vase is amazing, nice work! You should do more still life!

