Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting back on track...

Well, I'm starting to get caught back up again and I'm very glad to be back blogging! School is keeping me busy and my daughter's wedding is only about 7 weeks away, painting is officially my new favorite stress reliever. I've got several still life paintings I've been working on and I'm trying to take some work in progress photos of them. So, be looking for me to post them pretty soon. Thank you all again for your prayers and thoughts for me and the family of my friend.

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, just click on the link in the above right.


  1. Love the feeling of this painting! Reminds me of stress free walks along the beach. I know it must be a relief when you sit down to paint with everything that is going on in your life. Praying for you and your loss and the brighter days ahead with a beautiful wedding.

  2. Another lovely little painting, Kim. I too am sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Hope the reason for his passing becomes known so that there can be some closure in that regard.
    On another note, I'm sure your days will be bright with the planning of your daughter's wedding. How very exciting!

  3. Good deal! Keep on need to do this for your soul and your sanity!!!

  4. Wonderful!! Art is a great healer and nourishes the soul.

  5. Loose and beautiful painting, Kim!! I found that when I paint, the stress lessens. In the next few weeks you'll be very busy with the wedding...hopefully you won't have too much time to stress!! How exciting! More reference pictures.!

  6. very good paintings, Kimberly : )
