Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's on my drying rack...

Here's a few paintings I just finished on the drying shelves (8 x 10's). I found this Native American pot at a thrift store for like a $1.00. It has a chip in the rim, but I just paint it out. I looked up the signature on the bottom and it's signed (I think) Gerie Vail. Evidently the Vail family does a lot of horsehair pottery. One thing that was interesting while painting it, was that it wasn't completely symmetrical. At first I was going to correct it, but then thought better of it. I think it adds to the charm of the pot.

For this weeks painting available for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.


  1. I love love love these paintings, and I love horse hair pottery!! What a buy!!!



  2. Love the series. I have some of that pottery and just love it. Nice find.

  3. Une belle manière d'acquérir une poterie sans risquer qu'elle ne se brise!
    En revanche vous me brisez le coeur... je craque en les admirant... Elles sont superbes.
    beau travail.
    gros bisous

  4. Love the way you do a series..very cool..nice paintings

  5. oh! beautiful! i can feel that pot (if that makes any sense)...good find and wonderful paintings!

  6. Thanks everyone! I love my little treasures I find at thrift stores!!!

  7. These are great!! I've been gathering items myself..not to paint from...but to do photos. Hopefully these will come out as well as your paintings!!

  8. A great buy and great paintings....love them.

  9. Thrift stores and garage sales are wonderful places to find ones references. This is a beautiful painting Kim ..glad you didn't change it..like you said..it adds to the charm of the piece. Love it.
