Friday, December 9, 2011

Time is flying by!!!

Well, I know it's been forever since I posted. I kept meaning to get back here to say that I'd be too busy to post for a while. I guess I was too busy to do that!!! Here's my latest still life that I've just completed. (20 x 20 inches) I'm always picking up rocks or feathers, "treasures" as I call them when I'm outside. Those of you who have hiked with me know how I can slow us down! LOL! Anyway, it's fun for me to put these little "treasures" in my paintings.

I may not post much thru the end of the year, but once I'm back in Florida, will pick back up. I'll try to get my ebay line going again after the first of the year as well (for my faithful collectors!) Thanks everyone!!!


  1. As always, this is wonderful!!!

    Enjoy Florida! Right now I'm enjoying the Christmas-y weather but come late January and February I'll be wishing for Florida myself!!

  2. Enjoy your time off...your painting is lovely!!

  3. Beautiful, Kimberly. Have a lovely holiday season!

  4. Beautiful, Kimberly!! Love the textures of the feathers and the brushwork in the table. Hope you have a very merry Christmas!! Looking forward to seeing your latest work.

  5. Gorgeous Kimberly! That feather is to die for!

  6. The handling and contrast of the surfaces is just perfect-very nice!

  7. I really like this, Kimberly - the feathers are painted especially beautifully!

  8. Your still lifes are really great. Love the details.

  9. Holy cow ... this is inCREDible. Seriously ... so amazing.
    You have a gift.

  10. This is absolutely beautiful, Kimberly!! Beautiful pottery...and the feather perfectly painted...I always enjoy your work!!!

  11. Everyone, thank you so much! I'm liking this painting pretty well, but part of the reason is I like the stuff in it.

  12. beautiful and clever! Well done too....
