Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hiking on Memorial Day Weekend

Had a great weekend.  We took Monday to go for about 6 miles of hiking at Natural Bridge, (which I've posted a photo), and Red River gorge...AKA:  Kentuckys land of arches.  It was in the 90's but was beautiful.  I was so inspired and can't wait to get to painting.  On the way home we stopped by the Kentucky Veterans Cemetary to pay our respects to some loved ones.  I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!

For this or other paintings I have available for sale this week, just click on the link at the above right.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Finals Finished!!

Well, I'm finished with school for another semester.  Two exams, two drawings, and one final 4 page essay turned in this week.  I'm so glad it's over!!  Anyway, I've posted one of my figure drawings I turned in for part of my final.  They tell me if you can draw the figure, you can draw anything.  I believe them.  Hard and challenging class, but I learned so much!  I can't believe I can get the figure on paper!  I must be crazy, but I signed up for a figure painting class next semester.  I guess I had better take it now, while this stuff is still fresh in my mind. 

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Should I or shouldn't I?

I've been pondering whether to do some of the summer art shows/festivals.  I wouldn't even worry about it, except some of these cost quite a bit of money just to exhibit.  You've got everything from $100 on the low side to $500 on the high.  If I were to jump in, I would probably have several very large pieces to hang in the booth (maybe draw folks in) and lots of smaller ones that were pretty affordable.  Who knows if I would get my money back even for the booth, but if it led to more commissions, I'd be ok with that. Anyone have any ideas?  I hate spending money!  (Except on clothes!  LOL!) 

For this or other paintings I have up for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Monet was great!

Glad I went to the Monet in Giverny exhibit.  I'm always looking for an excuse to stop in at the Cincinnati Art Museum anyway. 

To all of you Moms out there....Happy Mothers Day!!!

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My week has been so crazy!  First, my dog got sick, so that meant I wasn't getting much sleep at night, I'm also trying to get ready for finals at school, and I've been prepping new paintings for my classes I teach.  I've done no marketing, I'm behind on some paintings I started for some events later in the year, and my house is a mess.  So what am I going to do about it?  I'm going to the art museum.  There's a Monet exhibit there right now and I can't wait to see his paintings live and in person.  I'll get caught up here eventually...but the Monet exhibit is only here for a short time! 

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.