Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I accidently became a polluter....

Yep.  This photo is of me at Clifty Falls State Park.  Right before this I was leaning over the side, looking over one of the beautiful cliffs when my water bottle fell out of my belt and over the edge!  I couldn't believe it and was mortified!  I can't tell you how many times I've been mad because I think that people have left their water bottles/trash at our parks....and now I'm one of them!  We replaced my water bottle and actually tried to go back up the creek to the overlook but ran into this wall.  It looks small in this photo, but is way taller than I could climb.  Needless to say, Tom teased me the whole rest of the trip.  I'm fanatical about taking your trash out.  We had a lovely day, except for my incident.  I didn't do any onsite painting, but took lots of photos. 
It may be hard to see in the photo, but that's Tunnel Falls behind Tom.  I also love this park because I'm crazy about fossils.  This place has lots of them! 
I was telling one of my students this weekend that sometimes there are paintings that I don't want to sell and want to keep for myself.  This is one of them. 

For this or other paintings I have up for auction this week, just click on the link at the above right. 


  1. Une promenade fantastique... je vous aurais volontiers accompagnés... La végétation est si luxuriante, un véritable bonheur... Je comprends qu'après ça vous nous peigniez de magnifiques oeuvres.
    Je suis tout comme vous je supporte mal de voir comment les humains peuvent polluer notre globe.
    On fera une exception pour votre incident !

    Très belle peinture... Il est bon de garder avec soi certaines d'entre elles.

    Gros bisous

  2. Thanks Martine! I guess I could an exception this time! It was very beautiful there and was a gorgeous day!

  3. Oh well! Those things happen!! I just love the "keeper" painting...I can see why you would want to hang on to this!! (That's what I love about photography...I can share and keep!)

  4. WOW - I can surely see why you want to keep this painting for yourself, Kimberly. It's wonderful - has incredible atmosphere!

  5. LOL... If everyone thought like you, we wouldn't have any trash in nature. Bless you!
    I don't blame you for wanting to keep that gorgeous painting. :)

  6. LITTERBUG!!! Only kidding...funny post, Kimberly, but what a gorgeous painting and it looks like a beautiful place to hike. Makes me want to hike again!!
