Florida is so lovely! It's not as warm as usual here, but they tell me tomorrow the temps will be back to normal (high 70's). Wehoo!
It's an understatement that most of my money is spent on art supplies. I had one small suitcase and my laptops. The rest of the car & trunk were packed to the gills with art supplies. It was really more than I would normally need, but I have a still life painting class I'm taking next semester and have no idea what I'll need...so I brought it all!!! Plus, I'm scheduled to teach some painting classes while I'm here. So you can imagine the supplies I needed for that as well. Packing the car was like putting together a complicated puzzle, but my guy did it! It is clear to me now why my wardrobe is lacking....I spend most of my money on oil paint, easels, paper, canvas, charcoal.....oh and the books/magazines....it's terrible!!! (And typical for me.) It just feels like home if I have my paints & brushes with me.
For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
"September Sky"
5 x 7 inches, oil on canvas board
Currently available for sale on ebay