Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's baaaaccckkk...

I've started back up my ebay line of paintings. I call them my little gems! I hated that I had to let them go this fall, but with school and some larger commission work, I just couldn't keep up.

Thank you again everyone for a great year and I'm so excited about getting these started up again.

(You can purchase these little paintings...all starting at $0.99 by clicking on the link at the above right here at the blog.)


  1. Beautiful job! Love the way the texture creates the foam of the waves. Really like the abstract areas in the shoreline as well. How did you create that effect?

  2. Very serene painting! Just what I need today: it's snowing in Colorado! I get a sheet of wood at Home Depot (20$) and they cut it for me to the sizes I want. Usually they don't charge me for the cuts.

  3. hey,can you email me, I want to ask you a question about school. my email is

  4. Beautiful! Nice texture in the clouds and sky!

  5. Very nice seascape. I love your colors.

  6. Une oeuvre ravissante... et si paisible à regarder.
    gros bisous

  7. Cool stuff!! Good luck with your sales...which I'm sure will be brisk!!

  8. Beautiful painting, Kim.!! Love the texture in the sky!!

  9. Thanks everyone! Gwen, I get that effect by using the palette knife. I thin the paint a bit then sort of "skim" it over the surface that has been underpainted. Great question and thanks for your comments!!!!

  10. Kimmy- it was so much fun painting with you today!! I'll send you the photos and BTW I really like your originals.
