Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Ideas...

I'm full of big ideas.  Implementing them...well, that's something else.  I've gotten better about it, mostly because I started breaking things down into smaller steps, just like you would a painting.  You get the idea, your sort of abstractly "block it in", then you put the finishing touches/details.  I've started keeping a notebook where I can just scribble down ideas and leave them there until I want to pursue them more.  Especially for my business.  If I don't jot things down I tend to forget them and by doing this, I can go back to my little 49 cent notebook and review what was on my mind maybe weeks ago.  Sometimes I follow thru with them and sometimes, after a little bit of time has passed, I realize I should let some go.  It works for me! 

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, just click on the link at the above right.


  1. Une atmosphère particulièrement sereine qui fait bon à admirer...
    Gros bisous, je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur et de santé en ce jour de 1 mai.

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    I have been trying to find your email on here but I can't seem to figure where it could be... Could you please contact me when you get a chance, I would love to talk to you about a project I have going on and see if you would be interested. Thank you!

    Tanith Smith

  3. Beautiful painting, the brush work on the sky as well!!

  4. Thanks everyone! Tanith, I'll email ya. I thought I had it showing here on the blog, but I could be wrong. Thanks!

  5. Good idea to keep your thoughts in one place so to speak. Beautiful expansive sky in your painting!

  6. This is gorgeous Kim! Do you have a Facebook page for your art? I looked for you briefly, but couldn't find you...

  7. Thanks guys! And I don't have a facebook page yet. I totally know nothing about facebook, but realize I'll need to jump on that wagon here soon! Thanks for searching me!
