Monday, November 22, 2010


Most Sunday nights you can find me and my boyfriend over at one of our friends homes. We call it life groups, or Bible Study. We all meet at someones home, bring something yummy to eat, and dive into God's word. I can't tell you how much this time means to me. It's just the re-charge I need to get my week going and it's nice to just be able to kick back and be yourself.

What does this have to do with my art journey? Everything!! Our friends shape us more than we can ever imagine. Sometimes more than our own families.

Neighbors, local, or online, I hope everyone has the great support group of friends that I've been so blessed with.

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on Ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Florida Channel
5 x 7 inches, Oil on Canvas board
Available after 11/27/2010


  1. Belles nuances de couleurs... Bises et bonne semaine à vous.

  2. Thank you!!! This was one of my daughters favorites.
