Monday, November 8, 2010


This little painting is from memory. My Grandparents had a large farm that I roamed about on as a kid. Because Grandpa grew tobacco and harvested hay, there was always a tractor path at the edge of each field. I can't tell you how many times I was able to ride on the tractor with my Grandpa, or walked that path with their old dog Margo. It almost brings tears to my eyes now writing about it. I've passed that old farm many times in my car which now hosts a gorgeous home with the most beautiful horse barn I've ever seen. I'm so pleased that the new owners are preserving the land and running horses on it.

The Tractor Path
4 x 6 Inches Oil On Board
Available for Sale after 11/9/2010
For current paintings I have for sale, click on the link at the above right.


  1. J'ai parcouru votre blog et j'ai beaucoup aimé... Cette dernière me touche particulièrement. La petite histoire aussi qui l'accompagne lui donne une force supplémentaire. Bravo!
    Je reviendrai, bisous

  2. Hi Kimberly,

    This is a very pretty piece and I can just feel your emotion coming through the piece from a simple monitor view. My grandparents had a farm that now my parents keep, but they don't work it because they are now retired and are from the city. Although my Dad could do it, it's not his thing. I too have very fond memories of the farm and getting those great tractor rides on summer visits, playing in the hay loft, and catching grasshoppers! Thanks for stirring my memory!

  3. oh. love this one, and story . very compeling
