Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bad day....

Well, my day started out pretty great. We ran some errands that morning, then attended an art show with some very famous artist work (very cool). After that is when things took a bit of a bad turn. On the way back, we were involved in a car accident. We're all ok. In Florida, they have these little u-turn sections in the middle of US-41. Most people use them because Tamiami Trail can be 6 or 8 lanes across. Well, a lady, (trying to get to the mall!!!!!) decided to try to cut all the way across. She made it across the northbound traffic (we were heading south). We saw her and she looked like she was going to stop in the median section. Before she came to a complete stop, she decided she would gun across all four lanes and slammed right into the drivers side of our car. She said she didn't even see us. We think she was looking behind us trying to beat that traffic. The rest of the day was spent a the hospital and happily we're back home tonite. We didn't have the dog with us thankfully. Right now I've got a big knot on my arm and lots of advil in my body. What a day!!!!

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Evening Blues
8 x 10 inches, Oil on stretched canvas
Available for sale on ebay after 3/20/2011


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident but I'm really glad that all of you are OK! Keep making more of your lovely paintings!

  2. lovely day. hopefully tomorrow will be better.

  3. wow..terrible ! I am glad you are going to be alright. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Good thing you're ok.
    About eating the, not so much!!

  5. Je suis navrée d'apprendre ce qui vient de vous arriver... Vous avez du avoir très peur... Heureusement que rien de grave ne vous soit arrivé.
    La peinture que vous nous montrez est très harmonieuse... j'aime beaucoup l'ensemble des nuances de couleurs.
    Je vous fais de gros bisous et prenez soin de vous.

  6. Thanks Kay & Janice! Martine Alison, thank you as well, and yes, this painting is a bit larger with a bit more time spent on it. The more work with the brush and less with the knife.

  7. Phew, glad that you came out of that relatively unscathed ... :O)

  8. Kim, thank you for yur comment on my blog. So sorry to read of your car accident. Glad it wasn't more serious....I love your painting style. Keep up the good work!

  9. Tough luck with the car accident, but this painting is no accident. Nicely done. It is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  10. good grief! Thank goodness you are all ok, what is the matter with some people!

    on a positive note though, lovely landscape :-)

  11. Sorry this happened Kimberly! Thankfully you guys are ok and the pooch wasn't with you. Hope you get better soon and back to your lovely paintings!

  12. Thank you everyone! I'm trying not to be mad at her, but she endangered us all to try to get to the MALL!! I'm just glad we're all ok, including her. Ok, that's my vent of the day!! LOL!

  13. wow. Glad to hear all is O K with you and yours. Makes me grteful for Wyoming driving. Went to Lander[closest town to us at 75 miles east]the other day and counted 5 vehicles first 60 miles till Ft Washakie, the indian agency. Those last 15 miles are pretty busy.

  14. LOL! Now that's traffic I can deal with!!!

  15. I'm so happy that you are okay after having an accident. It's always a scary thing! BUT I love your painting and looking forward to your next..Please take care!

  16. Oh my goodness! Glad to hear you are ok (& with painting arm in tact)! Sending get well wishes to you and your family

    Lovely work today...I can almost smell the ocean...

  17. I'm so glad you are all okay! Accidents can be so scary! Love the painting...hope you have a good week this week.

  18. Thank you everyone! Thankfully, I don't have to deal with the insurance stuff. We're doing ok!!

  19. Kimberly, So sorry to hear your Florida experience ended with a bad note. Thankfully, nothing happened that cannot be fixed. You must be feeling sore, tired, and beat-up, so just put your feet up and relax for a day or two.

    Love your art and cannot wait to see how it grows.

  20. Oh DEAR.
    Those little u-turn things can be very tricky especially if you aren't used to them.
    I'm glad it wasn't worse as it could have been.
