Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keeping it simple...

I have so loved my time here in Florida and though we won't be going home for another month, I'm already thinking about how I'll be spending my time at home. Problem is, I have more ways to spend my time, than time. I'm really going to try to focus more this year on organizing my time better. Honestly, I would just work (paint) all the time...every day. (I certainly wasn't that way when I worked in an office!) Those of you who are artists I'm sure can relate. This painting kind of makes me think of that. Many times when I set out to get prelim sketches, I'm sort of scouting/working. Here, I stopped and just sat there for a while. Really enjoyed the place. It may be hard to believe, but I need to allow myself to do that more. I'm so concerned with sharing the spot with others, I forget to really enjoy it myself.

For this or other paintings I have available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Placid Thoughts
5 x 7 inches, Oil on board
Available for sale on ebay after 3/6/2011


  1. Wise words Kimmy. I took the time to just set and enjoy too. I sat on my deck for an hour just enjoying the birds. It was a therapeutic experience. :)

    I've added this to the Friday Five at EBSQ!

  2. Great background atmosphere, Kimberly. It is lovely and very serene!

  3. simle but nice Kimberly.
    Thanks too for the comment on my miniature painting.

  4. Nice piece, Kim. You really got the atmosphere right! Good luck in my painting give-away.

  5. Your painting feels really peaceful. Felt that about it right away ... you connected to the perfect blue. Also I enjoy hearing about your process and your need to just be in the moment ... a challenge for us all.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and I like this painting. Looks good

  7. Amanda, thanks for featuring me!! I love EBSQ! Everyone, thanks for the comments!!

  8. Excellent advice! Beautiful painting...

  9. That was a really wonderful way of putting it Kim. I like the "more ways of spending my time, than time." The art is beautiful too...(-:

  10. like the prespective achived on this painting, well done. Here is my email,
    I would like to have a direct mailing posibility with you. since you seem to have taken an interest in my work. I find it rather inhuman, to just be getting theses comments from you, and not have the possibility to thank you, etc.
    kind regards, Alberto Valentini
