Monday, February 28, 2011

Crazy busy!!!

The painting I'm posting today is called "Simple Peace". Ironically, I've not had much simple peace this week! Now, it's not been bad chaos...I've been running (jogging) about every other day, I taught a painting class on Saturday, I'm up to date with my homework, and I attended an awesome art festival this weekend. That is of course on top of my usual stuff!! I hope all of you have had some simple peace!!! Or if nothing else...some joyful chaos!!!

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
"Simple Peace"
4 x 4 inches, Oil on board
Available for sale on ebay after 3/3/2011


  1. Tout plein de chose pour ce prochain festival...
    Cette dernière peinture grâce à votre premier a une grande profondeur.
    Bisous et merci encore pour votre gentil message.

  2. Very nice painting I like the scene that was portrayed. joyful chaos now theres a thought.

  3. Dear Kimberly,
    Peace is Every Step: the Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, by Thich Nhat Hanh, is a classic on the art of being okay with every moment. TNH even uses the telephone ringing as a means to get in touch. Why do I mention this? Well, that's simply what came up intuitively when I read your post and considered whether I had experienced peace or chaos. Had it been just me to consider, this past week, I may have written peace, but there is another in my life experiencing sadness & angst and that brings in a bit more chaos. It is important to show up for the peeps we care about.

    Cool about you running. I wish that I had an exercise budy, wouldn't run as such but I might actually do some-exercise-thing. When the weather gets less severe for this weather whimp I would like to imagine and say that I'll be out and about. :O)


  4. FYI:
    I have a psi blog as well as my art blog (that you visit ... ta!) if you want to try that out I have a freebie posted:

    And I write book reviews & such at my place of work, if you want to check that out:

  5. Kim, good on ya! This is a nice painting!
    Peaceful chaos to you :D

  6. Love the depth and colors!! Beauty!

  7. Thank you everyone!! Jan, I'll be sure to check out your other blog!

  8. Kim, Your work is beautiful! I love the colors and brush work!
