Monday, March 28, 2011

It's Raining!!!

Ok, so most folks visiting Florida aren't happy when it rains here. However, there has been a great lack of rain this winter. Brush fires and watering restrictions have been in the news every night. We watched the clouds move in this evening, and I got to enjoy the storm move in. (One of my favorite things to watch.) Of course, this painting has nothing to do with that. It's from a cool morning (early) at the beach.

For this or other paintings available on ebay, click on the link at the above right.

Morning Solitude

5 x 7 inches, Oil on canvas board

Currently available on ebay.


  1. This painting is so calming and uplifting! Thank you for your comment on my blog & congratulations on the featured artist spot at EBSQ!

  2. Love the rain! You captured the beach wonderfully!

  3. My grandma, when she was alive, lived in Florida and was a painter too. I used to love the storms that would come and I am still fascinated by the weather. So rain, yeah it's a good thing. Maybe you will capture one of the rainy beach days? It is hard to do the beach right ... really ... and I think that your piece captures some of its essence.

  4. Lovely painting! I particularly like the soft edges on the horizon. And yes, we do need the rain down here!

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one liking the rain. There is something about dramatic weather that totally intriques me. I should get my camera and sketchbook out more when it happens, but I usually just want to watch. Thanks everyone!!

  6. MMmmmm, I'd love to be standing on the beach in that painting. I'm glad you got some rain!

  7. Yay, I loved the rain too. It has been so dry and crackling around here for weeks. Now we're inundated with caterpillars falling from the oak trees...

    Love seascape! I love your brush work. That is really difficult, much more difficult than people think. That's why I paint

  8. I love seeing the ocean and you captured it beautifully.

  9. Thanks everyone! AND...we have some thunderstorms moving in tomorrow...maybe I'll get my camera out...
