Monday, April 18, 2011


I totally have a thing for clouds. Even before I knew I wanted to be an artist/painter I loved dramatic clouds and I would just stare at them. Watching them change and contort, and the way they reflect the light mesmerizes me. I'll be exploring them further with my paintings this year and I'm pretty excited about that. Thanks again to all who shared their favorite plein air easels. There are some really awesome ones out there. Many I won't be able to afford, but I now know what I'm looking for. Your input was very helpful! Thank you!!!!

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right

Clouds And Mountains, 4 x 4 inches, Oil on board

Available for sale on ebay on 4/19/2011


  1. Gosh, I missed that post Kimberly. Hmmmm? But onto a subject that I adore: clouds. I, too, love clouds! Living in the pacific northwest means that I get to see interesting crops of clouds fairly regularly. I missed getting the cloud postage stamps that came out, quite a while back, and I was bummed. I would've probably framed those suckers.

  2. Beautiful painting. You do have a way with clouds. I can't wait to see more.

  3. Thank you both! Jan, I didn't know they had cloud postage stamps. I used to collect stamps when I was younger. I always try to buy the pretty ones now.

  4. Love, love, love this Kimberly. It's wonderful!

  5. thanks so much for your kind words on my blog today. I so appreciate it..thanks

  6. You can feel your love for the clouds in this fantastic painting, Kimberly. As I child I would lay with my back on the ground and watch the clouds as the moved across the sky - and still share that same apprectiation for their beauty as you have so wonderfully have conveyed here. This is gorgeous!

  7. Une grande profondeur et une sérénité certaine s'affirment dans cette peinture... Les nuages sont une grande fascination pour vous et je vous comprends...
    Je vous fais de gros bisous et une grand merci pour votre gentil commentaire.

  8. Beautiful painting Kimberly. It's hard to believe this was done on a 4x4" canvas!! perfect clouds and love that mountain!! Makes me want to hike!!

  9. Gorgeous! Can't believe it's a 4 by 4! Wow!
