Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Baaaccckk.....

Well, we made it back to Kentucky!!! I think we brought the warm weather and rain with us though!! I've so many errands to run, but I've already started painting! Wehoo! I'm also going to be pricing a new field easel. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear what brand/type you like. I'm wanting one that's pretty lightweight and on a tripod, if that makes sense. Thanks everyone!!

For this or other paintings available for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.

Kentucky Sunrise

5 x 7 inches, Oil on board

Available for sale on ebay after 4/5/2011


  1. Bon retour... Je suis dans le même état que vous je pense, j'ai tant à faire depuis ma rentrée et tant à faire puisque je repars chez ma fille en fin de semaine!!!
    Je suis admirative devant cette dernière peinture. Elle a une très belle profondeur et j'aime ces nuances de roses parcimonieusement réparties...
    Gros bisous

    Ps: des chevalets, j'en ai de toutes sortes et finalement j'aime beaucoup mon bon vieux !

  2. Thank you both! Martine Alison, I love pink and sometimes use it as an underpainting too.

  3. I really like this one Kim. It seems to sing "spring"!

  4. great painting.....check Craigslist, you may be able to snag a deal on an easel. I use an Anderson Easel, you can find it at cheap Joes art supplies for around 200.

  5. This has a nice warm glow. I use an Easy L med, because it is one of the lightest and easy to use.

  6. Love the painting and thanks for asking the question about the field easel.
    I need to purchase one also. Let me know what you end up purchasing.
    Glad to hear you are back in Kentucky!

  7. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and the comments on the painting! Sheri and Janice, I'll be checking those out!

  8. Kim,
    Glad you're home safe. I LOVE a pink underpainting.
    Carol Marine uses the fabulous James Coulter setup. Not cheap but oh so portable and compact. She used it at the workshop and I think it's great!

  9. Beautiful Spring painting!! Wonderful colors Kim. Welcome home!!

  10. Thanks Mary! I'll look that up on the internet. Thank you both for the comments!

  11. Hope you aren't in the middle of all of the storms hitting Kentucky!
