Friday, May 13, 2011


This is Casey, one of our riding horses. In this photo, she's not interested in me...she looking to see what's in the little black buckets that we put their grain in. Since we've had a bit of dry weather (soon to end) I've been able to go spend some time with our horses. Casey's getting a new halter, a nice bright green one. She's a good riding horse, but isn't fond of leaving our fields. She likes it at home where she feels safe I guess. I'm that way too for that matter!

This little 4 x 4 inch oil painting is called Rain Swollen Brook and will be available for sale on ebay after 5/15/2011. If you would to see the other paintings I have up for auction on ebay this week, just click on the link at the above right.


  1. Its hard to believe that this oil painting is only 4x4".! So much details...Beautifully done Kim!

  2. Oh, she's beautiful! My sister used to have a horse that liked to play kickball, lol.

    I wouldn't want to leave, either :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  3. wow! 4 by 4!! Nice! Gorgeous horse!

  4. I really like your nice warm colors and texture. It's a beautiful.
