Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm out of shape!!!

I don't tend to get out and run much in the cold weather. However, here in sunny Florida, I have no excuse. Actually, I've been looking forward to getting out and running again. My guy and I have been doing about 3 mile runs about every other day. Needless to say, I'm paying for taking a couple of months off. I'm glad we're not tracking our times right now!!

For this or other paintings I have for sale on Ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Morning Light On The Clouds
5 x7 oil on canvas board
Available for sale on ebay after 1/6/2011


  1. Cet endroit a l'air très charmant... incitation à une petite balade... J'aime la manière que vous avez travaillé votre eau.
    Bises et allez vous détendre...!

  2. I like the sun trickling in on both the mountain and the foreground flowers. Very nice feeling.

  3. Kimberly-thanks for visiting my blog and for you kind comments. Your landscapes are beautiful. Treatment of the detail in the foreground in this painting in contrast with the background is particularly well done.

  4. I like how you have repeated the colors throughout the painting. Just beautiful!

  5. Good for you! I wouldn't 'dare' try running, walking maybe...but I'm in the Midwest and the weather is just too cold for any kind of outdoor activity right now. Maybe this Spring:)

  6. Hi Kim!!! Hope youre well! I finally am! YAY!! Beautifully mastered landscape! See you soon!

  7. Michele, I'm glad you're feeling better!!! (And Thank you!)
