Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The paintings I have on ebay....

The paintings that I have for sale on ebay were completed weeks or even months ago. With oils, I have to wait quite a bit before I can list them for sale. My studio has rows of shelves that I use for viewing and drying wet paintings. Once I complete one of these little paintings, I put it on the shelf to dry (for at least 4-5 weeks). Next I apply a damar retouch varnish to seal it and then it's back to the shelf again. After that's dry, I photograph it and download the photo into a template. Eventually, I get it on ebay for YOU to give it a new home. I call these paintings my "little jewels". I just love the way they look when I put them in one of my favorite gilded frames. I hate to say it, but sometimes I have a hard time letting them go. I hope that each of you that have one of my "little jewels" loves it as much as I love painting them.

For this or other paintings I have for sale on ebay, click on the link at the above right.
Three Summer Trees
4 x 4 inches, Oil on board
Available for sale on ebay after 1/20/2011


  1. Belle touche et belles couleurs... la brise souffle dans le feuillage.

  2. Your paintings are little jewels. I love knife paintings...such great texture!

  3. Thank you all! I used to HATE using the painting knife. Of course now I love it! It keeps me from being too fussy in my paintings.
