Monday, June 27, 2011

Family Reunion...

We had a family reunion this weekend and it was so great to see everyone! It's hard to believe that I can live so close to some of my relatives, but only see them once a year. My aunt does a great job putting it together and I'm so grateful she does.

This little 5 x 7 inch oil painting I call The Sentinel is currently available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right.


  1. Un très joli tableau pour cette belle publication. Les couleurs remplies d'enthousiasme et de force symbolisent à la perfection ce moment qui fut certainement très joyeux pour vous.
    Gros bisous.

  2. Thank you! This is one of my favorite little paintings. I almost didn't list it.

  3. Really nice painting, love the tree, and the texture. Wish you were in my plein air painting group!

    ps. My blogger is kind of screwing with comments now, so I'm signed in a little different!>>>but it's still me!!

    Janice Warriner

  4. That is absolutely beautiful!!

  5. Love family reunions and your little painting! Lovely colors & texture!

  6. Thanks everyone! I struggle with plein air because I tend to "warm up" the colors. I'm drawn to warm colors, so I know why, but I really need to work on my grays more.

  7. Absolutely fantastic paintign! all those colors are amazing! Very beautiful!
