Monday, August 15, 2011

Every barn needs a cat....

Yep, every barn needs a barn cat. This is Kitty. (Original name right...I didn't name him!) He's my boyfriends cat and he is the sweetest little thing you'd ever meet...unless you're a mouse or a bird. I call him our little carnivore because despite the fact that I try to keep him full of kitty food, he still likes to hunt. I'm grateful for his raids on the barn getting rid our our unwanted rodents, but I always regret the little birds who fall prey to his hunting skills. Usually I never see them...just the pile of feathers he left behind. Cats must truly have 9 lives and Kitty has used up about 7 of his! He's been locked in a trunk of a car and a shed in very, VERY hot weather (one he almost didn't survive). I've seen him nearly run over by a slow moving vehicle in the driveway....because for some reason, he doesn't feel HE should have to move even though he's no match for the truck or car he's in the path of, and I personally have accidentally locked him between the storm door and front door (couldn't be more than 4 inches wide!) for several hours, until I heard a sort of "scuffling movement" and realized he had somehow gotten in there after I closed the main door and before the storm door shut. No meowing...just a scuffling noise where I guess he was switching positions! Thankfully I heard it! I just love Kitty and hope we have many more years with him.

This little ATC size oil painting is currently available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right.


  1. Fresh, summery painting~! Lovely (as is the kitten~!) :)

  2. cute Kitty and wonderful new painting :)

  3. Wonderful atmosphere in that sky - just beautiful! Love your kitty - he looks much like my little grey tabby, except she has some white on her belly and paws, and a white shape on her back leg that looks just like a heart!

  4. Beautiful post, Kimberly! And love this painting..beautiful sky!!

  5. Beautiful painting and wonderful post about kitty. I used to have lots of kitty cats on our farm. It's amazing they all survived me dragging them around and riding them in the basket of my bike. Thanks for sharing kitty!

  6. Lovely little landscape, Kimberly. You know I'm a sucker for cats, so I love the post, too!

  7. Thanks everyone for the comments on the painting! And our Kitty is such a sweet little cat!

  8. Cat's never feel like they should move for a human, even if that human is behind the wheel of a car. :D

  9. Thanks Adriann and you're are so right Amanda!!

  10. We had kitties that used to like to hide in the wheel wells of I know, all too well, how scary it can be when they get someplace that they shouldn't.
    Gotta love them though:)
