This week is Vacation Bible School at my church, and I'm helping. I'm in the snack area and today was blue snow cone day!! I don't know why it is that children love those things. Syrup poured over crushed ice doesn't really do anything for me but when the kids see that's what the snack of the day is, they are so happy!! Maybe it's the blue color, maybe it's the sugar, or maybe it's just that it's not something they would normally get at home. Whatever the reason, we had about 150 kids all leaving today with blue lips, teeth, and tongues. I heard one of the little boys telling another child that "this smurf juice must be permanent". I didn't realize that kids this young even knew what smurfs were, but I guess they do. My "baby" is in her twenties, so I'm out of the loop.
Today's little 5 x 7 inch oil painting is currently available for sale on ebay by clicking the link at the above right. I think the sky is about the same color as that "smurf juice" I was serving earlier!! LOL! Have a great day!!!