I didn't think the rain was ever going to stop! We thankfully have had a couple of dry days. This morning, I finally got to go hang out with some of our horses and after my work in the studio today, I'm planning on spending some more time with them. The horse in this photo, I just call "Stud". He's definitely a "pretty boy". The first time I met him, he had never let anyone touch him. Ever! He was about 3 or 4 years old and he came right up to me and let me scratch his neck. I thought he had always liked people, but it turns out I was the first he trusted enough to get close to. He'll no doubt end up in a painting and this photo may be one I use for reference.
The above landscape "Warm Salt Marsh" will be available for sale on ebay after 5/1/2011. Size is 4 x 4 inches, Oil on canvas board. Click on the link at the above right for all the paintings I'm offering for sale this week on ebay.